Join a community for private practitioners who already have a website and are eager to grow their email lists, boost traffic, and improve conversion rates. Learn about SEO, refine lead generation strategies, and learn how to transform visitors into higher-paying clients. This is a brand new community we just launched and we plan to keep it high-quality and private.
New resources will drop every month
Network with like minded practitioners or coaches
Learn tangible and practical strategies to grow your website traffic
Get access to a grandfathered beta price once this community becomes paid
You have a website already or are currently planning on launching one soon
You don’t plan to outsource your marketing efforts right now
You have 1-2 hours per week to dedicate to your marketing efforts
You want to streamline and organize sustainable marketing systems that you can rinse and repeat every 90 days to build momentum and gain more eyes on your website and business
Join me as a beta student and lock a beta price of $7/month for 12 months
A latina web designer and branding strategist who has worked with over 100 clients/students. I understand how overwhelming it can be to learn how to best market your practice while trying to serve your clients at the same time.
I created this membership to help and support private practitioners and holistic coaches to grow their visibility, boost their website traffic, grow community and get more clients in the next 12 months.
I firmly believe the world needs more mental health support and life coaching, and I'm here to change that one website at a time.
Month 1-Craft your 90-day strategic marketing roadmap
Month 2-Build the foundations of your client-making magnetic messaging and learn how to do practical market research for polishing your brand voice
Month 3-Learn how to plan 3 months of blog posts in just 1 day and batch produce them in 12 days
Month 4-Learn how to plan 3 months of newsletters in just 1 day and batch produce them in 4 days
Month 5-Learn how to set up a social media lead generation funnel and content sprint
Month 6- Plan 3 months of strategic marketing events in 1 day and prep your evergreen speaking topics in 4 days
This is a private community with strategic trainings, accountability and 1-1 support to help you grow your website traffic in the next 12 months. There are strategic trainings inside that can be consumed as you wish or by following the goal you're focusing on at the moment, however it is highly recommended to consume the trainings in the order that is laid out in your student dashboard.
Due to the nature of this digital product each sale is final and there are no refunds
Add to your order your Notion Marketing Growth Hub for just $37
Usually sold for $47
Your go-to tool for mapping out your business goals, creating a content plan, and staying consistent in your marketing.
Includes an all-in-one Notion Resource Hub with:
Marketing Growth Planner
Business Goals Organizer
Strategic Quarterly Tasks
Content Plan Tracker
Business Journal
Client Resources & Brain Dump Hub
Extra resources, links and prompts inside each hub to support you with actionable tasks to tackle in 1 hour per week
Notion is a free tool you can use on your phone, tablet or computer and this resource will teach you how to use it so you can always have your marketing strategy on the go.
Usually sold: $47
Today Just $37
Jeffrey Proctor - Therapist & Life coach